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Semi-automated and CNC based construction system

The main issue of this study is to create a Construction System, based on prefab pieces, made in a CNC machine. This system has to insist in the recyclability of all components. The system should allow for a bioclimatic performance of the whole building. The construction system will allow interior division flexibility. This means that the building user could easily move the partitions by himself or herself. In order to guaranty precision and security on the construction site and simplicity on the transportation system, there must be a complete coordination between the project and the building site. Adaptable to any geometry and measurement. Most of the prefabricated buildings, are not suitable for a non orthogonal site. Working with a CNC machine can avoid this.

Moreover, could an automatized construction system be appropriate to refurbish buildings? A proper refurbishment process grounded on CAD-CAM-BIM and CNC technology needs to be based in a detailed and exact measurement. Even more, it should be advisable to make more than one data collection during the refurbishment process because the some building could move some millimeters. To avoid problems due to measurement errors, the CNC fabricated pieces should offer measurement tolerances in order to facilitate the assembly and staging process. In these first steps of the defining of the refurbishment system, making the project takes long time, since all the joints must be designed in 3D. This delay in the design process will be reduced when the BIM library of details is set-up. Building site process is clearly shortened and that is why the disturbance is minimized. The construction system should enable a flexibility of the inner distribution and the BIM software helps with the tracking or monitoring of the changes in the future.It has to be said that all the new equipment and distribution has to be installed in a rapid way and this process has to create minimum disturbance. The research that was developed gave priority to the preservation of the current building structure and masonry walls, instead of dismantling the inner structure. This way, the refurbishment works are less traumatizing and  neighbors can keep living in their homes.

This research is financed by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government and carried out at the Department of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country.


Iturralde, K., Research for a construction system fabricated by CNC machinery, CIB international congress OSB 2010, Bilbao, 17-19 May 2010.

Iturralde, K., CAD-CAM and CNC technology implementation for a sustainable refurbishment of historic districts. A case study for Bilbao, CIB international congress MISBE 2011, Amsterdam, 20-23 June 2011.

Iturralde, K., Refurbishing homes for elderly using BIM and CNC technology, CIB international congress ISG-ISARC 2012, Eindhoven, 26-29 June 2012.