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MetaK 2006an sortu genuen Aiert Buruaga, Zigor Iturbe, Maider Uriarte eta Kepa Iturraldek. Aiert Buruagak bere bidea egiteari ekin zion 2007an. MetaK-ek 2007tik 2011ra arkitektura zerbitzuak eskaini zituen, gure tesi ikerketak hasi genituen arte (Maiderrek 2010ren hasieran, Kepak 2011ren hasieran eta Zigorrek 2012ren hasieran). 2015ean taldea berregituratu eta Maider eta Kepak hartu zuten MetaK-en ardura. 2016an Maiderrek mundu hau utzi zuenetik, Kepa da gaur eguin MetaKen kudeatzaile bakarra. MetaK berregituraketatzen ari da gaur egun.

Since 2011 Kepa Iturralde is working mainly in the field of research trying to improve architectural and construction processes. For that, he was first at the University of the Basque Country. From 2012 to 1014 he made research stays at TUM, University of Tokyo and SKKU. In 2015 he joined TUM and started a new PhD focused in Digitization, Automation and Robotics in Construction under the supervision of Prof. Bock while working in European projects such as BERTIM, HEPHAESTUS and ENSNARE. He received his PhD in 2021. Since 2024, he is a Züblin endowed Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart IBL.